A revolutionary Blogger template, intended to showcase your work, blog or interests in an unique modern way, using the trendy timeline look. It resembles a lot of Facebook timeline, though it offers many more features like embedded text, multimedia player, background image slide show, etc. Timeline is Responsive, the theme is highly optimized for both mobile and desktop platforms. If you are looking for Free timeline templates to download then this is best option for you
Features of Timeline Responsive Blogger Template :
- Fully Responsive Design
- Automatic Mega menubar
- Auto resize thumbnail image
- Well Documentation
- Threaded Comment
- Optimize SEO
- xml blogger templates
- Ads Ready
- Related post widget Ready
- Custom Error 404 Page
- free blogger templates 2015
- Compatible with major browsers (IE8+,Mozilla,Chrome,Safari)
- Professional admin layout, help you easy work with blog layout